Memorial Street
Roslyn, Kittitas County, Washington
The Roslyn Cemetery is actually 27 separate cemeteries bundled together in the wooded Roslyn hillside. Nearly 5000 graves represent 24 different nationalities that used to live in the town (many worked in the coal mines). For the most part, the cemeteries are separated into fraternal organizations that represent particular ethnic groups. Because of the diversity represented in the cemeteries, visitors will notice a lot of variation in how the graves are marked. Some are adorned with metal crosses, while others are marked with intricately carved (albeit weathered) stone work. The arrangement of the plots are also interesting in that most face East, but the Polish cemetery faces North. The reason for the North facing layout of the Polish cemetary is not entirely clear, though some feel it was so the headstones would face the Church where they worshiped.
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