This database is an index to the Lind Cemetery located at Lind, Washington in Adams County.
There are 1640 names listed.
Cemetery History The Cemetery, formerly owned by the town of Lind, is now owned by the Adams County Cemetery District No. 3.
The following items were transcribed from The Lind Leader newspaper, published at Lind, Adams County, WA.
“Some action should be taken to have the Lind cemetery fixed up and taken care of. It is not platted nor fenced and presents a dilapidated appearance.” May 25, 1901 Edition.
”The five acres of land on which the cemetery is built was owned by J.J. Merriman who offered it to the town for the price of $50 in October, 1901. The money was paid and title transferred when the town incorporated. Residents of Lind were asked for additional funds to plat and fence the grounds.” October 12, 1901 Edition.
THE DOINGS OF THE CITY DADS Cemetery Rules Adopted—Bills Allowed and Other Things. The Council met last Tuesday evening. Following is the report of the meeting as taken from the Clerk’s record: Council met in regular session with Mayor Dirstine, Councilmen Haas, Labes, Donaldson and McCaffery and Clerk Imus present.
Report of the Cemetery committee was presented and the following rules adopted: “A Sexton shall be appointed at a salary of $5.00 per month. The duties of the Sexton shall be to keep grounds and graves in good condition, fences repaired, gates closed and locked, and have personal supervision of all interments. He shall report to the Cemetery Committee any needed improvements and make monthly reports of burials, lot numbers and location of graves on lots. It shall be the duty of the Clerk and Health officer to notify parities desiring lots or burial permits that the Sexton has personal charge and burial must be under his supervision. No internment shall be less than four and one-half feed deep from surface to ground.”
C.N. Morrison was pointed as Sexton to begin July 1st, 1909. June 25, 1909 Edition.
Cemetery Location The Lind Cemetery lies in the NW corner of the NW ¼ of Section 12, Township 17N Range 33 EWM. On the Neilsen road, it is one mile north of the center of the town of Lind.
Transcription Notes Abbreviations: c/o= child of **No Stone d/o=daughter of C Cemetery Record h/o=husband of Ch Church Record m/o=mother of DC Death Record p/o=parents of F Funeral Home Card s/o=son of O Obituary s/w=on stone with N Newspaper Entry w/o=wife of No DC Death Certificate Not Obtained WDI Washington Death Index SSDI Social Security Death Index IOOF=Independent Order of Odd Fellows KP=Knights of Pythias OES=Order of Eastern Star
Information in bold is what is engraved on the stone. Abbreviations in red are sources of information
I compared my work with a transcription done by the Adams County Historical Society assisted by the Lind Tredecim Club, Summer, 1975. I also utilized church records, cemetery records, obituaries, death records and newspaper articles to compile the information - Marietta Stokes