Civil War Veterans Buried In Washington State - Wild Rose Cemetery

Wild Rose Cemetery

5800 W Monroe Rd.
Deer Park, Spokane County, Washington 99003
509-276-5903 or 509-467-0786

Contact person:

Lee Eickmeyer, Sexton
22925 N Monroe Rd
Deer Park WA 99003


Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery in Spokane County County was founded in 1885. In 1910 the cemetery was handed to the City of Deer Park.

The Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery’s management was under the City of Deer Park until 1933 when Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery Association took over after its formation. The association took over the administration until 2011 when the cemetery land was deeded again back to the City of Deer Park.

The Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery has incorporated several graves from the local cemeteries. One of the notable relocations of graves is one done by Deer Park Catholic Cemetery in 1996. After relocation, they erected a memorial with a list of names of the deceased whose graves were moved.

Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery in Deer Park ranks number 1st out of the two cemeteries in Deer Park City in terms of popularity. Further, it ranks 9th out of 20 cemeteries in Spokane County County, 43th out of the 211 cemeteries in Washington State, and 2599 in the United States. It is located in Deer Park City at West Wild Rose Road, Deer Park, Washington, 99006.

Services and Information Available at the Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery

The Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery management makes the following information available to the public:

  • The rules and regulations to govern the Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery.
  • The hours when the Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery offices are operational.
  • The Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery’s history since it became operational and the changes it has undergone to date.
  • The burial records for all the people buried at the Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery and the dates they were buried.
  • Information about burials and funerals, such as privileges that may be accorded.

Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery in Deer Park has a rich history, with the earliest grave back to 1885. You can learn more about the graves or inquire about visitation by calling the Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery at 509-467-0786. You may also visit the Deer Park Wild Rose Cemetery’s official website for online services.

Visit the Wild Rose Cemetery Website

Veterans Buried at Wild Rose Cemetery


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