12203 NE 269th Street
Southwest corner of Charles Johnson Road and Hwy. 503
Battle Ground, Clark County, Washington 98604
(360) 667-9902
The Lewisville Cemetery is located at 122nd Ave. & 269th Street near
Lewisville Park, Battle Ground, Washington.
Mr. Rowland deeded two acres for a cemetery in 1892 and the Lewisville
Cemetery Association was subsequently formed in 1897. Mr. W. T.
Hammond presided with other officers being, I. W. Rowland, S. A.
Hammond, Charles Jenkins, W. F. Potter and W. T. Miller. The cemetery
is located at the southwest corner of Charles Johnson Road and Hwy. 503.
This list was previously posted on Pat Hanning's cemetery site. This message was included there:
I would like to thank The Clark County Geneaological Society for
allowing me to use their cemetery publication, "Clark County Washington
Cemetery Records, Volume 4" to submit the names and dates of the people
interred in this cemetery.
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