Civil War Veterans Buried In Washington State - Carnation Cemetery aka Tolt

Carnation Cemetery aka Tolt

5187 Carnation Duvall Road
Carnation, King County, Washington 98014

In 1905 the Northern section was started on land donated by Frederick B. Bagwell. He was the president of the cemetery association and the first burial in the cemetery. The members of the association were all Masons, they held no jurisdiction over it and the cemetery was open to "all citizenry". The following year the I.O.O.F. formed a Cemetery association, their cemetery was just south of the first cemetery with a roadway between.

In 1957 the north half was turned over to the Odd Fellows making it one cemetery and a new Tolt (now Carnation) I.O.O.F. Cemetery association was formed. The City of Carnation officially took over the cemetery in 1994. The cemetery has approximately 800 plots on about 2 acres of land. Any of the death dates before 1906, were relocated to this cemetery from Pleasant Hill Cemetery, located between Carnation and Fall City.

Veterans Buried at Carnation Cemetery aka Tolt


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