Representing: Confederate
** No such military organization has been found in available sources.
*As of January, 2017 only the following information has been found pertaining to this ACW veteran. Until more facts are forthcoming no life bio can be created.
*As of January, 2017 only the following information has been found pertaining to this ACW veteran. Until more facts are forthcoming no life bio can be created.
B. 9/12/1831 - D. March 18, 1905
The following obituary appeared 3/19/05 in (Arlington Times) Johnny died March 18,1905.
L. J. Robinson was 73 years of age, a native of Virginia. In the Civil War he served on the Confederate side with the 6th Maryland Battery. ** Having joined the gold stampede in '49, he has since lived on the coast, coming to Arlington about 15 years ago. (ca. 1890) In the early 90's he and Ben Scholman spent two or three years as the pioneer prospectors on the North Fork, since which time Uncle Johnny had been employed as a nurse and as janitor of our two public halls. He was a competent and faithful nurse and no contagion ever deterred him from attending the afflicted. His cheerfulness, quaint wit and kind heartedness made him a favorite, particularly among children. Although so old he earned a decent living and worked until the last. The day before his death he told Miss Kate Morris, as he went to saw wood, that he was very very tired, but soon he laid all burdens down. His last act was typical of his life - he was dressing chicken for a sick friend. Uncle's Johnny's gray beard and genial face will be missed from our streets and his grass will be kept green while the present generation survives.
Buried at Harwood Cemetery Arlington
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