Civil War Veterans Buried In Washington State - Myron Packard

Myron W. Packard

Representing: Union

G.A.R Post

  • Oliver Morton Post #10 Snohomish, Snohomish Co. WA

Unit History

  • 30th Wisconsin Infantry A

See full unit history

Myron Packard
Full Unit History

Organized: 10/21/62 Camp Randall, Madison, WI
Mustered Out: 9/20/65 Louisville, KY

Regimental History


  This regiment was organized at Camp Randall, Madison, on May 2, 1863, Cos. D, F. I and K were ordered to the upper Missouri as guards for transports in the Indian expedition under Gen. Sully, from Sioux City, IA to Fort Pierre, Dakota. Cos. G and E were sent to Superior and Bayfield to keep close watch on the Chippewa Indians, who were stirred up by the Sioux outbreak in Minnesota. In August detached companies were used for maintaining order during the enrollment under the conscription act, furnishing guards for conscripts, recruits and deserters.

  The regiment spent the winter in the state. Detachments were ordered to various posts in northwestern Minnesota and Dakota in March, 1864, where they spent the spring and summer in campaigning under Gen. Sully against the Indians, guarding emigrants, making many difficult marches through wild country, and participating in a number of engagements.

  On Oct. 1, Cos. A, C, F and H under Col. Dill were stationed at Fort Rice, Dak., Cos. B. E, G and K under Maj. Clowney at Fort Wadsworth; Co. D under Capt. Fulton at Fort Sully and Co. I under Capt. Grier at Fort Union. The companies were reunited at Louisville, KY, during the fall, with the exception of Co. I which remained at Fort Union until the following summer.

  The regiment was attached to the 2nd brigade, 2nd division, Military District of Kentucky, and was used in prison guard duty, as provost guard at Louisville, and for garrison duty at Frankfort and Georgetown in detachments during the winter and spring.

  Col. Dill was appointed provost marshal-general of Kentucky, April 17, 1865. Co. I joined the regiment on June 22, and the organization was mustered out at Louisville Sept. 20, 1865. Its original strength was 906. Gain by recruits, 312; substitutes, 1; total, 1,219. Loss by death, 69; desertion, 52; transfer, 46; discharge, 340; mustered out, 710.

Soldier History

Residence: River Falls, WI.
Enlisted: 8/13/62   Rank: Corporal
Mustered In: 8/13/62
Discharged: 7/5/65
Highest Rank: Sergt-Qtr Master Serg 3/17/1865

Family History



ED. NOTE: The original birth – to – death biography on Myron Packard was created during the early days of the Civil War Veterans Buried In Washington State project. As such it was limited in both size and research sources. The updated profile which follows was written in November, 2018. 


Myron Winslow Packard was born 12/25/30 (Christmas Eve) in St. Lawrence Co., New York. His parents were Daniel (b. 1802 VT) and Amanda (nee Levings b. 9/10/1809 VT) Packard. Daniels ancestors were some of the first settlers of Vermont.

 Myron was the 2nd of three children. A brother, Dwight C (b.1829 NY) was the oldest. A sister, Mary Corelia (b.1833/NY) was the youngest.


Daniel, Myron’s father, died 4/1/35 having been kicked by a horse. Amanda remarried to Philander Hallock by 1850. She passed away in February, 1898 in Madrid St Lawrence Co. NY. Myron removed to Wisconsin by 1853 and took up a preemption claim in the Badger state. 


On 12/16/55 Myron married Cynthia Flint Hurt (b. 11/22/36 VT). She was the daughter of Parker and Sarah Flint natives of Vermont at River Falls, WI.  Children of the union were: Clayton Hall (2/9/59 Pierce Co. WI), Lorie May (b. 6/26/62/ Pierce Co. WI), Myron Leslie (b. 4/30/64 Pierce Co. WI), Sarah Amanda, (b. 8/27/66/Pierce Co. WI ), Charles Flint (b. 11/17/67 Pierce Co. WI), Daniel Dewitt (b. 9/29/70 Pierce Co. WI – d. 1870) and Nellie Parker (b. 12/1372 Snohomish Co. WA).


1860 census found Myron and Cynthia and son Clayton living Troy, St Croix Co. WI.  Myron was a clerk in a Store.


On 8/13/62 Myron answered his countries call to duty by joining the 30th WI Infantry.  At the time of his entrance into the U.S. Army Myron was described as being 5’5” tall. He had a light complexion, and blue yes. His occupation was listed as “farmer.” He was discharged 7/5/65.


After Myron military service he returned to the Badger state and continued his occupation of clerking in stores. Soon after the 1870 census Myron removed from Wisconsin to the Puget Sound Country. Here he worked as a storekeeper on the White River not far from Seattle. In August of 1871 he moved his family to Snohomish County and ran a store for two years.  When he sold the store he followed the ranching business.

 In 1872 Myron served as Deputy County Treasurer for Snohomish County.  He was elected auditor of the county in 1873.


In 1875 Myron partnered with D. B. Jackson and ran a mercantile store in Snohomish until he sold his share of the business to Mr. Jackson in 1878. He then returned to Wisconsin and his old store of 1870s.

Cynthia Flint Packard died 12/12/75 in Snohomish County, Washington. She was/is buried in the Grand Army Of The Republic (G.A.R.) cemetery.

The 1880 census found Myron back in River Falls, Pierce Co. WI working in a mercantile store. By June of 1883 he had returned to Washington, was living in Skagit Co. and partnered with his son-in-law John Edwin Johnson husband of Sarah Amanda Packard Johnson. In September of 1887 Myron returned to Snohomish and opened up another store with is son Myron L. He operated that business until he retired in 1900.


On 7/19/1890 Myron filed for a Civil War Pension claiming suffering from a hernia, piles  and a lame back, injuries  which he traced back to his days of Civil War soldiering.  Although no dollar amount is available, the pension was granted.


 During the 1900 census Myron was living with his son Myron L and family. His occupation was listed as a grocery merchant.   


  Myron Winslow Packard,  former Union sergeant died 2/27/07. He was 76.2 years of age. His funeral was held at his residence on Cedar St (in Snohomish, WA). The members of the Grand Army Post were present in a body and more friends were present than could find room in the house. The service was conducted by Rev. Dwight S. Bayle. A quartette sang “Lead, Kindly Light,” and Mrs. Dwight S. Bayley sang “Face to Face.”  At the conclusion of the service members of the Woman’s Relief Corps placed a small flag upon the breast of the deceased. The Grand Army men and a squad from Company “C” escorted the hearse to the cemetery where the burial ritual was conducted by the officers of the Post and a salute was fired by the militiamen. Myron was/is buried beside his wife Cynthia.


Buried at Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery Snohomish
Row: 16
Site: 12

Adopt-a-Vet Sponsor

Dave Boss
Athol, ID

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