Father - Mark Beaurdoin (b. 1814) Mother - Laura Allen (b 1816) Wife - Julia Thrall (1841-1915) Julia's parents died before 1860.
Francis S. Burdoin married Julia Thrall on 10 September 1860 in Columbia County, Wisconsin. ================ U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865 Name: Francis S. Burdoin Enlistment Date: 2 Sep 1864 Enlistment Rank: Private Muster Date: 2 Sep 1864 Muster Place: Wisconsin Muster Company: F Muster Regiment: 1st HA Muster Regiment Type: Artillery Muster Information: Enlisted Muster Out Date: 26 Jun 1865 Muster Out Information: Mustered Out Side of War: Union Survived War?: Yes Residence Place: Springvale, Wisconsin Title: Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers: War of the Rebellion