Civil War Veterans Buried In Washington State - Nathaniel Chapman

Nathaniel Cone Chapman

Representing: Union

Unit History

  • 34th Massachusetts Infantry K
  • 61st Massachusetts Infantry A
Nathaniel Chapman
Family History

Created by Brian

Nathaniel Cone Chapman II

20 May 1843
Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA
27 Oct 1902 (aged 59)
Glenwood, Klickitat County, Washington, USA
Glenwood, Klickitat County, Washington, USA
Memorial ID
Suggested edit: Photo Request problem
Reported Problem: I searched the stated plot or section and could not find the grave
Details: The cemetery has a record of N.C. Chapman and his wife; however, only the gravestones of Lonnie & Elmer Strout and Chester Grover are currently present in plot 29.
Volunteer's Profile (48878311)
Contributor: The Seakers (50146847) • [email protected]

The Chapman family plot # 29 contains Lonnie & Elmer Stout, children of Minnie Chapman (buried in Old Sunnyside cemetery) and her husband Samuel Lorenzo Stout) and Chester Grover, husband of Drucilla Chapman who is also buried in Old Sunnyside Cemetery, and Parents Alice and Nathaniel Chapman.
Also Samuel Lorenzo Stout is probably located there but is not marked on the cemetery map. He is however included in the cemetery records, but his location is not recorded.

Father Name:
Nathaniel Cone Chapman I
Mother Name:
Polly Chapman
Looks like he enlisted twice according to the widows pension card and the following information:
Service Record:
Enlisted in Company K, Massachusetts 34th Infantry Regiment on 31 Jul 1862.Mustered out on 27 Dec 1862 at Fort Lyon, VA.
Birth Date:
abt 1843
Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Civil War

Nathaniel C Chapman

Age at Enlistment:
Enlistment Date:
3 Sep 1864
Rank at enlistment:
State Served:
Survived the War?:
Service Record:
Enlisted in Company A, Massachusetts 61st Infantry Regiment on 12 Sep 1864.Mustered out on 04 Jun 1865.
Birth Date:
abt 1843
Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the Civil War

Buried at Mount Adams Cemetery
Row: Plot 29

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