Civil War Veterans Buried In Washington State - John Lawton

John M. Lawton

Representing: Union

G.A.R Post

  • Lucius Day Post #123 Monroe, Snohomish Co. WA

Unit History

  • 2nd Minnesota Cavalry F

See full unit history

John Lawton
Full Unit History

John M. Lawton
The residence was not listed; as 18 years old.
Enlisted on 12/22/1863 at Eureka, Dakota County, MN as a Private.
On 12/22/1863 he mustered into "F" Co. MN 2nd Cavalry
He was Mustered Out on 12/2/1865
* Corpl
Other Information:
born in Pennsylvania
Sources used by Historical Data Systems, Inc.:
- Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars 1861-65
- Minnesota Adjutant General's Report of 1866
(c) Historical Data Systems, Inc. @

Family History

The funeral of John Lawton who died very suddenly on July 6, at the home of A.M. Collins, was held Monday afternoon. Rev. P.H. Raymond of the M.E. church conducted the services.
Mr. Lawton was born in Cattaraugus County, NY, on December 28, 1846. He lived there until grown to manhood when he moved to Minnesota, where he married Abby Norton. To this union, seven children were born. Thirty years ago the family moved to the Columbia River Valley. From there they moved to Port Townsend where they lived for several years. Mr. Lawton went to Everett in 1914 to reside with his daughter. Since he has lived in and around Everett, spending about a year in Monroe. He leaves three children, Mrs. I. Ketchum, Albert Lawton of Everett, and Frank Lawton of Clellum Bay, and one sister Mr. S.E. Tallman of High Point.

John L. Lawton was a member of the Lucien Day Post #123 of Monroe, Snohomish Co. Wa. and served in Civil War 2nd Regiment Cav. Co. F of Minn. was born in 1845 and died in 1917.
SnoCo: "The Karyn Project"


Buried at IOOF Cemetery Monroe

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